01733 247593
07742 224430
Empowerment First Ltd

Why Choose Empowerment First Ltd?
Why Choose Empowerment First Ltd?
We offer support 24/7, one-to-one service, shaped by each individual client’s situation and needs, supporting their independence and enabling daily freedom of choice. If you are in receipt of Direct Payments, this could be a good option when putting together your care/support package. We have 35 years experience of working with in the Social Care Sector and live on site supporting Adults with additional needs. A qualified Post 16 tutor will teach and support each person with their everyday living skills enabling each person to be as independent as possible.
A major benefit of our service is the high level of care/support and consistency received within a family setting home, with support workers who live on site, who are dedicated to meeting the individual needs of the client and are on call and available 24/7. Many clients require this so that they can live as independent as possible with in their own home and to feel safe.
We strive to understand each clients individual needs and working alongside them to enable them to develop individual relationships and create their personal pathway in life. In the home we create an atmosphere that encourages growth, build confidence skills which help each client to reach their full potential in life. We are dedicated in supporting our clients achieve personal goals, dreams and aspirations, to play an active part in controlling their lives and making their own choices.
We are situated in the village of Yaxley Peterborough . The house is a lovely well kept 6 Bedroom, 4 Bathroom semi-detached house with an open plan Living area. Each Client will become an independent Tenant of their own room and will share the communal Living area. The home has Sky Tv and WiFi access throughout the house.
The home has a big "contained" sensory garden especially designed for people with Disabilities with an outdoor heated Hydrotherapy Swim Spa.
We also have an allotment in the village which has a ground level plot as well as a raised bed plot allowing clients with mobility issues the ability to actively participate in growing their own produce.

To learn more give us a call: 01733 247953/07742224430
To learn more give us a call: 01733 247953/07742224430